View Poll Results: dvd cover ve labelleri nerde basmalı | |||
evde basmak
91bulent91, AaXRoNn, ahveg, arşiv:D, badcatelma, baran2019, boris, canerturkme, Captanblack, DeathMachne, djerrol, DracuLaTR, fbozkan, FisHerKinG, hakan810, hammer63, ironhand-1, jackbauer32, logarcı, onurcakko, partyboy, Sacrer, Saygin, serhatkayis, SihirliFlut, ST4R, umutlanmak, USAEA, uzman5858, venezual, xXsuziXx, YASSIN
32 | 62.75% | |
dışarda bastırmak | 19 | 37.25% | |
Voters: 51. |
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